Then we repair the circuit it if the client wants us to repair it, or recommend the appliance be repaired or replaced. And in some cases if they don't want to repair the circuit, we are better off walking away then we are to get our fingers into the circuit. I say "Good luck" to Cheap Charlie who will be happy to come and remove that breaker. We aren't Cheap Charlie.
We should remember the NEC is a minimum standard. What a great "Unique Selling Position" (USP) to be the company that exceeds the NEC in a relentless pursuit of safety for its clients! We need to get out of the mindset of the technician, and get in the mindset of the safety consultant. It's your call, but in our business, our clients know our position, and it is working very well for us. I have been caught in the middle of the AFCI frustration too, and have pulled out the last remaining hair on my head sorting it out. But finally decided to change with the times and roll with it, and I come to you to say, it was well worth it. You know what they say though, "You can lead a horse to water..."