emahler said:
bob, i agree with your thoughts on tax dollars and real crimes. So lets do away with licensing and make the field level. It will save everyone money.
No I would not want to see the laws changed for the express purpose of making it easier for you and other business owners to make ends meet.
Don't get me wrong, I do not think running a business is criminal and I am sorry if I come across like that.
What I think is that if someone wants the benefits of running / owning a company they have to accept that it is not easy, not today not next week, not a year from now.
I imagine it to be hard, frustrating and stressful.
One minute you have IRS issues, another a key employee is out sick, a customer loses their financing, a side jobber undercuts you and takes the job.
It is all part of owning a business is it not?
That is why as owners you are also in a position to make the big bucks if all the planets align and things go well.
I was once approached on a job by someone trying to bad mouth the company I work for.
They said in a tone that was evil.
"Ya know your boss is a millionaire" (he is)
I said
"Good for him, he started just like the rest of us"
He comes back with
"He made that with your labor"
I say
"So what?" and left it at that.
What it comes down to is he took the chances I have not, he took the risks, he made the jump and he did it in spite of the side jobbers out here.
At this point he can sit back in his 20,000 sq ft home and count his cash.