I understand how the terms are commonly used, and I'm pointing out that the text of the NEC does not support that distinction.
I think an example would be helpful here, as I don't see that there's anything left to your argument. Consider a residential service panel consisting of one breaker in a metallic enclosure, so it provides both the service disconnecting means and OCPD. Suppose it has a single terminal bar on which are landed the service grounded conductor, the outgoing feeder grounded conductor, the outgoing feeder EGC, and the GEC. The installing electrician says that the terminal bar is the Main Bonding Jumper.
The service panel enclosure needs to be bonded, so there's two possibilities:
(A) the terminal bar is mounted to the enclosure, i.e. bonded by a screw or two.
(B) the terminal bar is isolated from the enclosure, so a bare copper wire is run to a lug on the enclosure.
Is either one of these a violation, and if so, of what section? If only one is a violation, how does that section distinguish between (A) and (B)?
Thanks, Wayne