# of rec's load side of gfci?

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Senior Member
Currently in NJ
I noticed an associate of mine buying a 12 pack of gfci's today and I asked what he needed them all for. At first he said that it was code, to limit the amount of receptacles on the load side of a gfci to two. I said I had never heard of it, he then mentioned that his inspector requires him to limit the rec's to two. Has anyone ever heard of this? Is there a limit to load side devices on a gfci? I just read through the instructions that comes with a leviton gfci and it says nothing about a limit, code withstanding.
Don't know where these Engineer, legilative inspectors come from. Nope there is no code limiting how many Load side GFCI recpt. are connected.
That inspector needs to be challenged.
No such requirement.

This maybe a rumor started by the GFCI manufacturers. ;)

GFCI downlines

GFCI downlines

I noticed an associate of mine buying a 12 pack of gfci's today and I asked what he needed them all for. At first he said that it was code, to limit the amount of receptacles on the load side of a gfci to two. I said I had never heard of it, he then mentioned that his inspector requires him to limit the rec's to two. Has anyone ever heard of this? Is there a limit to load side devices on a gfci? I just read through the instructions that comes with a leviton gfci and it says nothing about a limit, code withstanding.
Hi Mark,

Your associate is being misinformed. There are reacitve limitations due to cross-coupled GFCI line interaction and I remember parallel distance is a factor. Nine standard receptacles after the GFCI on a 15 A BC and 12 receptacles after the first GFCI loaded outlet for a 20 A works in a resi configuration with distant runs under 100' being a maximum run in my experience. Usually in a large residence, the NEC GFCI protected branch circuits by code mandate do not need many downline receptacles beyond 3 or four . (I.e. Kitchen, bathroom, garage...etc.) What type of circuits does the associate have in mind? rbj
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At first he said that it was code, to limit the amount of receptacles on the load side of a gfci to two. I said I had never heard of it, he then mentioned that his inspector requires him to limit the rec's to two.

Well this does make sense from the inspectors point of view. Every time he trips a GFCI with his tester he then has to walk to the line receptacle to reset it. By allowing only two on the load side he thinks he won't have to walk that far. :grin:
You really can't believe they would do something like that do you?:D

Certainly not.;)

Hello Curtis, I wish I would have known you were going to Cracker Barrel, we could have met you there.:)

I think it would be limited to 180VA per recpt. calculated for the # of downstream outlets on a GFCI. IMHO
180va is used for calculating loads for services and feeders.

Actually the 180va is for calculating Branch Circuit Loads, (other than dwellings) 220.14 is located in Part II of 220.

II. Branch-Circuit Load Calculations
220.10 General.
Branch-circuit loads shall be calculated as shown in 220.12, 220.14, and 220.16.

Hi Mark,

Your associate is being misinformed. There are reacitve limitations due to cross-coupled GFCI line interaction and I remember parallel distance is a factor. Nine standard receptacles after the GFCI on a 15 A BC and 12 receptacles after the first GFCI loaded outlet for a 20 A works in a resi configuration with distant runs under 100' being a maximum run in my experience. Usually in a large residence, the NEC GFCI protected branch circuits by code mandate do not need many downline receptacles beyond 3 or four . (I.e. Kitchen, bathroom, garage...etc.) What type of circuits does the associate have in mind? rbj

Thanks guys for the replies.

gndrod, my aquaintance was finishing either a new home or a renovation. He said he was installing four gfci's for the kitchen countertop and one in each bathroom. I cut him off at that point by shaking my head and asked why and that's when he told me about the code and his inspector.

Celtic, I don't know who Suzanne Borek, is she an inspector in Bergen county?
Per code there may be no limit. However, I work in at least two municipalities that have adopted ordinances that limit the number of receptacles on circuits. The one ordinance I could find limits the number of outlets in a kitchen to 4, and general receptacles to 8. I know another municipality limits it to 2 outlets per circuit in a kitchen, but I can't find their ordinance packet right now.
However, I work in at least two municipalities that have adopted ordinances ....

...and what planet of the remaining 8 are those municipalities located in?


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