LawnGuyLandSparky said:Here's the flaw with your thinking - just because you open a business contracting for work, doesn't entitle you the exclusive right to it. Part of your business requires you hire skilled people. Skilled people whose product value is transportable. Further, a customer wants electrical work done. Not to have to be forced to support a shop super, a dispatcher, a receptionist, or the local yellow pages ad salesman. Why should a residential service call requiring one breaker, have to pay in part for a warehouse full of conduit?
Why do you purchase material wholesale, cutting out the supply house when you need 10,000 2x4 layins? What about the supply house's overhead?
Ever go grocery shopping at a wholesale club? What about those poor local grocers? Aren't they entitled to a piece of that action?
illegal immigrants have rights too
jesus man, what are you smoking?....