170619-2400 EDT
Smart $:
Your have not proved what you claim.
Irms of a pulse of Ipeak = (Ton/Ttotal)^0.5
If we have a 0.1 ohm load (10 A when connected to a continuous 1 Vrms source), then the power dissipated in the load is 10 W (VA in this case).
If the on time of a constant DC (rectangular pulse) of 1 V to a 0.1 ohm load (10 A) is on for only 1/200 of a time period, then the average power is 0.05 W. Irms = 10*(1/200)^0.5 = 10*1/14.14 = 0.707 .
To verify Irms^2*0.1 = 0.05 W.
Power Factor = 0.05/10 = 0.005, not 1.
First off, I did not say when the pulses occur with respect to the voltage phase. It makes a huge difference in the result. :happyyes:
Works out to a power factor of about 0.14 if the pulses occur in phase with the voltage peaks.
Nonetheless, when you have a squared off waveform having 1A peaks, 180 degrees wide, we get a power factor of 1. My point was simply that a sinusoidal waveform is not required to achieve a high power factor.
From there, you should also make note that the intent of my generalized claim was simply that a VFD can improve power factor. I did not state the input of a VFD will have a high power factor for all motors at all percentages of loading.