iwire said:
That is simply untrue no matter how you try to twist it.
OK, so we now have the direct meaning of your statements as, "Smokers contribute to society." From there it continues to, "A burning cigarette does not contribute to society" therefore it stands to logic that, "Smokers need not smoke to contribute to society", and then "Smokers need not smoke."
The fallacy of that premise is the result is a different society, which is exactly what is intended.
iwire said:
Here is exactly what I said.
"A power plant is necessary for our society.
Your having a butt at work is not."
Again a matter of opinion. Society existed long before power plants. Continuation of our society is not dependent on coal and other fossil-fuel-burning power plants. They exist simply because they have an economical advantage over other forms of power generation. Yes, without them it wouldn't be the same, but other sources can be used which do not contribute anywhere near the pollution they put in the air... but you don't see anyone making a major issue about them. Why? Because for one, most everyone, including smokers, also desire the convenience they provide. Two, they are, for the most part, "out of sight and out of mind".
On the smoking issue, it is simply the majority and influential members of society imposing their preferred lifestyle on a minority portion of society. That's the whole issue in a nut shell.
iwire said:
It is not necessary to society that you smoke a cigarette on the job.
A basic misconception. A society is determied by the actions and beliefs of all its members. Restricting smokers to not smoke on the job is imposing the will of only a portion of society, thereby altering said society to be more what the majority and influential desire.
iwire said:
Your worth to society is not at the least at issue.
Yes, it is. As long as I continue to be a smoker, you and your kind are berating my worth and contribution to society.
iwire said:
Are you suggesting that you have a handicap and deserve special treatment?
Provided I can smoke as I desire, I have no handicap in this regard and desire no special treatment. Restrict my desire to smoke and you have inflicted a known, well documented medical condition on me, which thus requires special treatment! You are putting the cart ahead of the horse.
iwire said:
You never answered Georges question about an alcoholics performance at work.
georgestolz said:
Smart: If an alcoholic person can't concentate because they're looking forward to beer-thirty, does that mean we should allow the alcoholic to drink on the clock? Would you want that guy driving a backhoe around you?
In the case of an alcoholic, defined as one who will continue to drink alcoholic beverages not just to a mild state of intoxication, but to the point of complete inebriation, then no. In this instance, the person's ability to perform adequately is impaired both before and after. Whereas with a deprived smoker, the impairment totally disappears upon satisfaction of the urge to smoke.
As to working around a backhoe, proper safety practice is to stay out of the swing area and pinch zones... period. Doesn't matter who the operator is.