Not really 250ft. in a roll of romex?

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I guess being abusive to forum members is selectively enforced around here.

I'm sure this isn't this isn't the first time that you noticed this? Comments by some are allowed, where others get deleted! I wouldn't be surprised if this one gets deleted.

I agree, that O'Reilly factor thing was uncalled for, but Bob didn't cry foul did he? :grin:

I read the whole thread and don't see where anybody has been abused.

If challenging a statement is abuse, then there is and will continue to be abuse. That being the case, I would say we have all been abused here and you might as well get used to it. :roll:

How would you do it?

Would you just delete everything or would you delete nothing even though the owner of the forum has asked you to moderate the forum?

For what it's worth I went and doubled checked and not one person has reported a single post in this thread. We mention time and time again if anyone has a problem with a thread or post ........... notify us ........:smile:

At the top right of every post (except your own) is this
click on it and you get to send your concerns to every moderators email. You can also use it to report a moderators post if you have a problem with a mods post.
It's pretty obvious that "quogueelectric" is being made fun of in this thread but maybe not to you and others that joined in!

Instead of complaining, "quogueelectric" made a comment of about the double-standard in this forum.
It's pretty obvious that "quogueelectric" is being made fun of in this thread but maybe not to you and others that joined in!

Here is what I see.

quogueelectric made a statement, 480Sparky challenged it and quogueelectric did not seem to answer.

I personally think 480Sparky was being a bit if a PITA but I did not see him calling anyone names.

Instead of complaining, "quogueelectric" made a comment of about the double-standard in this forum.

Again, if you see this 'double standard' in action use the report post button.

But you still did not answer the question I asked, how would you do it? :smile:
I agree, that O'Reilly factor thing was uncalled for, but Bob didn't cry foul did he? :grin:

I read the whole thread and don't see where anybody has been abused.

If challenging a statement is abuse, then there is and will continue to be abuse. That being the case, I would say we have all been abused here and you might as well get used to it. :roll:

Abused might be a bit strong word to use but I can clearly see his point. Some people don't have as thick a skin as others do.

I have actually seen forums where more actual abuse is allowed than this one!
I think trying to get 4 pieces 125' by unrolling an entire 500' roll of #12 thhn and trying to double it up twice seems like a bad idea from the get go; even if the roll was 510' long...

I think maybe that's one reason the cow got some flack.

They'd find my skeleton wound up in a ball of wire.:smile:

I'd get four rolls of different colored thhn.

It is so much nicer to pull the wire off the rolls and cut it exactly to length.

... or if I really, really had to; measure off 125' , pull each piece off individually, and tie some sort of weight to it so it couldn't coil back up, and pull the last piece directly off the roll...

in the worst case I'd only have the last piece that would be too short instead of all four.... and then just on one end :).

You guys are going to make me start measuring my conduit!:confused:
Why would you want to do that? It usually ends up somewhere within ten feet of where you wanted it... just cut off what you don't need.;):)
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Again, if you see this 'double standard' in action use the report post button.

But you still did not answer the question I asked, how would you do it? :smile:
That's simple, treat "everybody" the same! That's something that's not done here at all.
That's simple, treat "everybody" the same! That's something that's not done here at all.

I think that's somewhat true, but I also think that when I get clobbered the worst, is when I make some sort of comment that I haven't thought through very well, that turns out to be not very plausible....

At that point I think it would probably be a better idea to stop trying to defend it, and just admit a mistake... or just don't say nuthin'.

Anybody want to argue NFPA 70E?:wink:
That's simple, treat "everybody" the same! That's something that's not done here at all.

Can you give an example of this?

I am not complaining, I volunteered to be a mod, but it is not as easy as you make it sound.

Every time ....... absolutely every time, a post is deleted or edited it upsets at least one person, usually more. There is no way to moderate without people feeling slighted or picked on.
Can you give an example of this?

I am not complaining, I volunteered to be a mod, but it is not as easy as you make it sound.

Every time ....... absolutely every time, a post is deleted or edited it upsets at least one person, usually more. There is no way to moderate without people feeling slighted or picked on.
Yeah, I had a problem searching for the thread as I remember the posts and the user but not the thread title. Their posts were deleted and they commented about being deleted but now that has been deleted also!

This thread: The user "76nemo" thought that it might be a DIY'r and commented so which was deleted as was his comment about being deleted! I don't think "everyone" else in this forum would have been deleted as they were. The user "76nemo" thought that it might be a DIY'r and commented so which was deleted as was his comment about being deleted! I don't think "everyone" else in this forum would have been deleted as they were.

Yes, they would have been, we delete many posts from members questioning other members right to post here.

That is why we actually have had a sticky about that very issue since Aug 07. This 'sticky' thread is right in the front of the NEC forum which is busiest forum at this site. Check out the second post in this thread.

Read Before Posting: Forum Rules / Treatment of New Members
Yes, they would have been, we delete many posts from members questioning other members right to post here.

That is why we actually have had a sticky about that very issue since Aug 07. This 'sticky' thread is right in the front of the NEC forum which is busiest forum at this site. Check out the second post in this thread.

Read Before Posting: Forum Rules / Treatment of New Members
DIY'r posts aren't allowed, correct? If the user thought that it was a DIY'r post, what was the point of deleting it then?
DIY'r posts aren't allowed, correct? If the user thought that it was a DIY'r post, what was the point of deleting it then?

Before a judgment is made the member should check a new users profile, and in this case, the OP's profile says he is an EC so he deserves the benefit of being treated as such. If as time goes by, the new users posts continue to look suspect, then bring your concerns to a moderator.

DIY'r posts aren't allowed, correct? If the user thought that it was a DIY'r post, what was the point of deleting it then?

Did you even read the post I linked to? :grin:

1) All new member posts that you can see have already been looked over and approved by a moderator.

2) If any new poster is subject to ridicule or have their right to post here questioned then that will without a doubt scare some people from posting at all .... even ones that are not DIYs. We want people to feel comfortable about posting.

3) As Roger has pointed out as time goes on we may change our minds and decided someone that we approved is in fact over their head. In that case we handle it privately via PMs or emails. We do not try to publicly humiliate them. (We save that for established posters that put their foot in their mouth ;))

Again if you see a thread that you feel there is a problem with report it to us privately using the report a post button or send one of us a PM. There is no need to post it on the open forum and even if you do there is no guarantee any of the mods will see it.

I know I want to be fair and I fully believe the other mods want to be fair.
If I recall correctly it is under 120".
It should be less than 120".
344.130 Standard Lengths.
The standard length of RMC shall be 3.05 m (10 ft), including an attached coupling, and each end shall be threaded. Longer or shorter lengths with or without coupling and threaded or unthreaded shall be permitted.
Did you even read the post I linked to? :grin:

1) All new member posts that you can see have already been looked over and approved by a moderator.

2) If any new poster is subject to ridicule or have their right to post here questioned then that will without a doubt scare some people from posting at all .... even ones that are not DIYs. We want people to feel comfortable about posting.

3) As Roger has pointed out as time goes on we may change our minds and decided someone that we approved is in fact over their head. In that case we handle it privately via PMs or emails. We do not try to publicly humiliate them. (We save that for established posters that put their foot in their mouth ;))

Again if you see a thread that you feel there is a problem with report it to us privately using the report a post button or send one of us a PM. There is no need to post it on the open forum and even if you do there is no guarantee any of the mods will see it.

I know I want to be fair and I fully believe the other mods want to be fair.
Not when you linked it but did in 8/07 when those long overdue changes were made. I'm not in a position to question ones qualifications when I really don't have much of my own in many areas covered here.

Prior to the changes in this forum, I didn't suggest it to anyone to check it out because it was a bit too rough for many.

I ran across another forum covering a alltogether different subject which was worse yet. There was a actual poll thread started asking if the members would like to see a certain member leave the forum!:rolleyes: I also learned there is such a thing as a forum option to "ignore" a member's posts because members would actual post that they were adding you to their "ignore" list!!
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