No Bob, but you yourself know that several years (at least 20 that I know of) of one practice takes a lot of inertia to change.p
So lets try to change things and not just say the momentum is to strong.
but consider this: most POCO's are severely undermanned as it is, now if it was a mandate that ONLY the POCO can do service connects (I'm referring mainly to resi in this case) what do you think is gonna happen when someone is left without power for days because the POCO can't get to them to do the reconnect?
It happens all the time when there are storms, we just had folks without power for many days in NH they all survived,
If the EC doesn't do it (who would be more likely qualified to do so safely) can you imagine the carnage when either the homeowner or "Joe Handyman" decided to try it? It has already happened here in a few cases where drops where cut for non-payment and the HO or handyman did their own reconnects with some sad results.
I think it is ridiculous to say electricians should risk themselves to keep the unqualified from doing stupid things. We are not firefighters or solders, we should not be expected to risk ourselves so a family can watch America Idol on time.
Like many things in life, this kind of thing falls into the lesser of the evils IMHO. If the EC is comfortable and qualified to do the connect, let them do it.
It is against federal law, or do laws that are inconvenient not apply?
These are they same federal laws that force large GCs to protect us from falls, they same laws the require certain safety standards in the work place.
I am sure if someone was saying Ford was forcing it's employees to work unsafely people would be up in arms but when it is a small shop they think the laws are just in the way.
Either that, or how about this: the POCO's should train and certify EC's on the proper way to do it safely. It would solve the problem quite nicely I think.
No amount of training allows an EC to make that connection hot.
But it would need complete support of the AHJ's to ensure that ONLY EC's who have been certified can pull permits for service changes...but now we have another layer of enforcement that many will try to cheat...
It would also mean 70E and OSHA rules would have to be removed.
See where I am coming from? Lots of things are gonna have to change to effectively solve this dilemma.
All I see is that you want to make excuses to do the work hot because the power company has cut staff.
My edit: As for the training simulator, you are correct in that
training an app on that procedure is against OSHA ...I brain-faded on that. but it would still be a good way to train the master EC..
It is still a violation for a 'trained master EC' to make the connection hot.
Guys, I not half the PITA I come across as here, I do know there is a real world out there, I work in it. But once you really start getting used to the rules, work for a company that supports the rules and customers that understand the rules once we explain them it actually is pretty easy.
Nothing will change until we let it change.