- Location
- Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
- Occupation
- Service Manager
For the record,
I wrote a similar proposal to this section as the proposal I quoted, asking that sidewalls be omitted from the countertop measurement. The CMP clarified that they intend sidewalls to be included in countertop measurements, essentially requiring an extra receptacle for sidewalls in kitchens.
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2011 ROP said:2-246 Log #4585 NEC-P02
Final Action: Reject
Submitter: Frederic P. Hartwell, Hartwell Electrical Services, Inc.
Recommendation: Add the following sentence: ?Where a countertop space is bounded by more than one wall, the length of a wall line perpendicular to the front edge and equal to the depth of the counter shall not be included in this
Substantiation: Consider two identical 25-in. deep counters 4 ft long, one in a corner and the other between a kitchen sink and a refrigerator. On the literal text of this paragraph, the wall line for the counter in the corner is just over 6 ft long, because the wording ?along the wall line? directly parallels ?along the floor line? in 210.52(A)(1) and that rule always applies around contiguous wall
sections. The other counter is simply a 4-ft counter. Why should one of two identical counters in terms of length and area get double the receptacle coverage? This disparity has been a source of inconsistent code application for decades, and it is time to clarify what should be enforced. In this example, the counter in the corner has zero length beyond the counter depth that is
perpendicular to the front edge. The proposal text also covers short returns, however. As soon as the perpendicular wall space exceeds the counter depth it starts being counted, so a 12-in. return gets a receptacle outlet.
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: The panel intends that this space be included in the wall line measurement. Exempting the space could result in receptacles being spaced 6 ft apart where the counter continues along wall.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12
I wrote a similar proposal to this section as the proposal I quoted, asking that sidewalls be omitted from the countertop measurement. The CMP clarified that they intend sidewalls to be included in countertop measurements, essentially requiring an extra receptacle for sidewalls in kitchens.
Edit to add:
Text from my proposal said:Recommendation: Add the following sentence at the end of (C)(1):
Sidewalls that run perpendicular to the counter shall be permitted to be omitted from this measurement.
Substantiation: A receptacle installed along the back wall of a counter space is usually close to 24 in. from the front edge of a counter. This would serve as a clarification as to where the measurement for receptacle layout begins, the back corner of the wall counter space. As this section is currently written, there are at least two different ways of interpreting it, I am advancing the most prevalent interpretation in the field. I have provided a discussion from an internet forum about this proposal, to clarify what exactly is sought by this proposal.
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: See panel statement on Proposal 2-246.
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