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- Logan, Utah
Yes but if you have 2 then same rules apply to the second
No they don't, there is nothing that requires all circuits in a laundry area to comply with 210.11(C)(2).
Yes but if you have 2 then same rules apply to the second
2-98 Log #1408 NEC-P02 Final Action: Reject
(210.11(C)(2) and Exception (New))
Submitter: George Stolz, II, Pierce, CO
Recommendation: Change the term and add an Exception to read:
(2) Laundry Equipment Branch Circuits. In addition to the number of branch
circuits required by other parts of this section, at least one additional 20-ampere
branch circuit shall be provided to supply the laundry equipment receptacle(s)
required by 210.52(F). This circuit shall have no other outlets.
Exception: General purpose receptacles within the same laundry area shall be
permitted on the laundry equipment circuit.
Substantiation: As it is currently written in the 2005 NEC, laundry areas are
to be treated in the same method as the areas defined in (C)(1) and (C)(3). It
seems to unintentionally elevate the status of an entire laundry room as a
special location. This presents conflicts, in that if a washing machine is to be
located in a basement, the entire basement could be regarded as a laundry area,
requiring all receptacles to be supplied by that circuit.
It is generally assumed that the laundry receptacle is to be used for the
washing machine and gas-dryer ignitor receptacles. Changing the terminology
to address the equipment to be served will clarify the purpose of the
requirements of this section, and allow installers to install general-purpose
receptacles from a general purpose branch circuit to serve wall spaces in
laundry rooms.
Pertaining to the exception: Given that other cord-and-plug-connected
laundry-related appliances such as irons have a high probability to be used in
the laundry room, it is reasonable to allow this 20-ampere circuit to supply
other receptacles in the same space for such potential uses. It is more desirable
to extend the 20-ampere circuit required to encounter this potential load, than
to require it to be supplied by a 15-ampere circuit for general lighting and
Please note this is submitted with a coordinating proposal to similarly modify
210.52(F) accordingly:
(Change 210.52(F) to read: 210.52(F) Laundry Areas. In dwelling units, at
least one receptacle outlet shall be installed for the laundry equipment .)
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: The addition of term ?equipment? as proposed by the
submitter adds no further clarity to the present text. The proposed new
exception is not necessary. The rule as written does not limit the number of
receptacle outlets supplied by the laundry branch circuit. However, that circuit
shall not supply outlets that are not covered in 210.52(F).
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12
2-235 Log #1407 NEC-P02 Final Action: Reject
Submitter: George Stolz, II, Pierce, CO
Recommendation: Change 210.52(F) to read:
210.52(F) Laundry Areas. In dwelling units, at least one receptacle outlet
shall be installed for the laundry equipment .
Substantiation: This will clarify that the receptacle is required to supply the
laundry equipment, not the entire room as a whole.
Please note: This proposal is submitted in coordination with a similar
proposal to revise 210.11(C)(2).
Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: The panel rejected the companion proposal to this proposal.
See the panel statement on Proposal 2-98.
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12
No they don't, there is nothing that requires all circuits in a laundry area to comply with 210.11(C)(2).
I agree with most of that.
Now tell me how a receptacle that is in the laundry room is not a laundry receptacle ?
(2) Laundry Branch Circuits. In addition to the number
of branch circuits required by other parts of this section, at
least one additional 20-ampere branch circuit shall be provided
to supply the laundry receptacle outlet(s) required by
210.52(F). THIS circuit shall have no other outlets.
Perhaps the word this is confushion
Had it said the FIRST
ONLY ONE then I could agree
How is it with so many articles that the wording is poor and often would require no extra words just a better choice of words
It is a receptacle 'in' the laundry room not a laundry room receptacle.
BTW it is a laundry "area". What is an area?
If I drop my underwear in the living room is that a laundry area?
Jim, I still have no idea why you cannot understand his section.
If we read it the way you want us to the 240 volt 30 amp receptacle for an electric dryer is also a violation.
If I drop my underwear in the living room is that a laundry area?
The laundry area receptacle.
So if you inspected this job how would you know if it is the MORE THAN 1 or just another circuit ?
fwiw, it does not state laundry area. It states laundry receptacle.
210.11(c)(2) laundry branch circuits. In addition to the number
of branch circuits required by other parts of this section, at
least one additional 20-ampere branch circuit shall be provided
to supply the laundry receptacle outlet(s) required by
210.52(f). this circuit shall have no other outlets.
210.52(f) laundry areas. in dwelling units, at least one receptacle
outlet shall be installed for the laundry
FWIW, It does not state laundry area. It states laundry receptacle.
Jim, I still have no idea why you cannot understand his section.
If we read it the way you want us to the 240 volt 30 amp receptacle for an electric dryer is also a violation.
When an inspector inspects a kitchen how do they know if those SABCs only supply the correct locations?
Who says we must have a washer ?Yes I saw that and the title states laundry area but the sentence still says laundry receptacle. Of course the washer is in the laundry area that is where you launder your clothes.
Yes I saw that and the title states laundry area but the sentence still says laundry receptacle. Of course the washer is in the laundry area that is where you launder your clothes.
By seeing where they go if they can. If they see a living room coming off same circuit as kitchen receptacle I would hope he tags it on the rough. To some degree it just takes trust or 5 hours
If we read it the way you want us to the 240 volt 30 amp receptacle for an electric dryer is also a violation.
Not a clue what your talking about now
Who says we must have a washer ?